
lifeNotes 002 - 3 Good Things

Welcome to my weekly notes, which I'm calling lifeNotes. This is the second edition. 

The intention is simple. Aim for 3 bullet points per week. Do not think about structure or style for at least 20 notes. Go with the flow and aim to progress rather than perfection.

With these guidelines, let's go!

Healthy Body Healthy Mind

😇 I have been re-listening to the 3 Good Things episode from the Science of Happiness podcast. It helps me to focus on the positive things that happened during the day, even if it sucked overall.

📊 I started re-learning about investing and trading in the stock market. I used to be an active investor and trader a few years ago. Life happened, and I stopped everything completely. Lately, I have wanted to get back into Investing and Trading because reading business news, working with charts and talking about the stock market excites me, and I can do it for hours. I'm thinking of starting a separate blog to learn in public. This will be an excellent way to keep myself accountable and share my learning.

📸 I ordered a Camp Snap camera after reading about it, watching reviews, and following their social media. I love photography, and I'm looking forward to playing with it. 

👼 My baby boy had his vaccinations done. It pained me to watch him cry out loud. However, it is for the best. It took him a few days for his body to react and settle. I'm glad he is doing better now.

❤️ I attended my second CBT session on Friday. I felt like I was making progress, but I got a phone call that completely reversed all the progress. However, after an entire weekend of rift, I think we have a breakthrough in our relationship. Hearts were broken. Time may or may not heal. But one thing is sure: the relationship dynamic has changed and will never be the same. Is this progress? I would say, yeah!
